Weight Loss Tips for the New Year

Weight Loss Tips for the New Year

With the new year comes the resolution of being healthy and better. If your goal this year is to lose some weight, or you simply get rid of the weight that comes along the holidays, weight loss tips for the new year are for you! […]

How to stay healthy during the holidays

How to stay healthy during the holidays

The holidays are a wonderful time filled with friends and family, but they are also filled with food and social commitments which generally bring us anxiety and weight gain. But can we avoid it? Here are some tips to avoid getting weight on the holidays! […]

Pre-Workout: What to eat before you workout

Pre-Workout: What to eat before you workout

So you have your equipment on hand, your sneekers tied and your water ready. Does that mean you and your body are prepared for the workout that’s coming? Not quite right… What about a pre-workout meal? Should You Eat Before Exercising? To eat or not […]

The Perfect Salad

The Perfect Salad

What!? Do I eat salads? Well, I actually do! More or less once a week I make sure to include a salad in my diet. But as you know by now, I don’t eat greens, so how I do make a good salad? As I […]

All About: The 28dayreset

All About: The 28dayreset

The 28dayreset is a nutrition program designed along PIIT28 by Cassey Ho, the Blogilates creator. It is supposed not to be a diet or a weightloss tool, but rather a program were you learn to eat cleaner and identify certain foods that you might be […]

Should I be counting calories?

Should I be counting calories?

So you’ve started or you are in the middle of your fit journey, and you’ve started to wonder if counting calories is something you should be doing? I will tell you about my experience with it and help you discover if it is right for […]

Macros: What are they and how to count them

Macros: What are they and how to count them

So you’ve seen the word all around fitness articles, nutrition advice and even as a hashtag. But what are they really? I assure you you know what they are, but when we learnt about them in school, they had another name! Macros are the big […]

How Much Protein Should I Eat?

How Much Protein Should I Eat?

Protein is one of the components that make up all of our body. We can find it in our muscles, hair, skin and every tissue that makes us up. The minimmum recommended protein intake for an adult are 0.8 grams of protein per every kilogram […]