Weight Loss Tips for the New Year

Weight Loss Tips for the New Year

With the new year comes the resolution of being healthy and better. If your goal this year is to lose some weight, or you simply get rid of the weight that comes along the holidays, weight loss tips for the new year are for you!

1. Write it down

Write down your weight loss goal. How much do you want to lose? By when do yo want to achieve it? Writing it down and putting a deadline is what turns a dream into a goal! And keep it on sight! Remind yourself of why you made this plan, commit to it and work torwards it.

2. Plan a strategy

You have heard of a thousand approaches, fad diets, keto, calorie counting, macros… Which to follow? Choose one approach depending on your needs. But whichever you choose, make sure you examine it and imagine yourself doing it for the rest of your life. Could you? If the answer is an immediate no, then look somewhere else. If none of the alternatives really convince you, start with counting calories and making small changes.

3. Start with small changes

If it has been a while since the last time you exercised or had a healthy diet, start with small but meaningful changes. Big changes can be tempting in the new year, but they are not substainable. It is better to start with changes you can commit to, and do it step by step.

  • Week 1: have 2 liters of water a day.
  • Week 2: 15 minutes of walking.
  • Week 3: Say no to fried foods.
  • Week 4: No more sugar and sweets.

This way it is easier for you to stick to the changes in this new year and create new habits in your life.

4. Pair it with exercise

Depending on your current fitness state, there are different workouts that will work for you. If you are not used to it, start slow. Walking can be a great place to start, beginning with 15 minutes a day, and add extra minutes every day. If you are already used to working out, but you want to step it up this year, a premium program like PIIT28 can be a great alternative so that you get your best body in no time. It includes cardio. strength and pilates, making it super efficient –read the review on PIIT28.

5. Be realistic

Don’t expect all of the sudden that you are going to only eat healthy, lose 10kg and be a super model in a day. This will only make you get frustrated and give up on your goals. Take it easy, set small goals that are achievable and keep you motivated. Remember every little win brings you closer to your destination!

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